Missy, la ratoncita tiene un gran problema: ¡odia la forma en que luce! Como Missy desea convertirse en criaturas más grandes y más fuertes, finalmente descubre que todos tienen problemas y aprende a aceptarse a sí misma por lo que es.
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The proud emperor loves to parade before his people with beautiful clothes. When a court official suggests paying the soldiers more money so they don’t have to beg for food, the furious emperor is ready to throw him in jail.
To grow up to be big, little lions have to learn survival skills, but the cub Sangu doesn’t want to listen to Papa and Mama’s lessons—he just wants to play. Getting lost while escaping a charging rhino, Sangu learned how unprepared he really was to be out on his own.
It was time for the beautiful princess Elizabeth to be married. Charming Simon and strong, handsome Thomas came to ask her hand in marriage. Then there was John, a handsome but not-so-flashy commoner. Elizabeth first noticed him helping an old man get his wagon out of a muddy ditch.
Tombo, el renacuajo, se declara Rey del Estanque. Se jacta de ser el renacuajo más grande, el más rápido y el más fuerte, y molesta y persigue a todos los otros renacuajos. Tombo finalmente descubre que tener amigos es mejor que ser el Rey del Estanque.
“¡Esa es mi mula! ¡No voy a compartir! “, Grita Sally acerca de Stiffy, su mula. Benny y su mula Bossy sienten lo mismo. Papá ata las mulas para que aprendan que para poder comer, deben cooperar. En el proceso, Benny y Sally también aprenden que para ser felices deben compartir.
Little Red Hen had a busy summer planting seeds, watering the soil, digging up the weeds, and harvesting the grain. Whenever she asked the dog, cat, and duck to help, they always had excuses. A crisis occurred—a wicked fox captured the goose. When Little Red Hen went to her three friends, they again made excuses, so she went to the next farm, and Brown Dog helped her rescue the goose.
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