The proud emperor loves to parade before his people with beautiful clothes. When a court official suggests paying the soldiers more money so they don’t have to beg for food, the furious emperor is ready to throw him in jail.
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Mom and Dad Fox try to set a healthy example for triplets: Freddy, Fay, and Flip. Even though Mom cooks nutritious meals, Freddy prefers to stuff himself with sugary treats, and refuses to participate in healthy family exercise. One bad choice leads to another, and in spite of Dad and Mom’s efforts, Freddy finds himself part of a crooked gang of foxes. When the leader recruits Freddy as a decoy to help him outwit a lion and a donkey, the plan backfires.
Little Red Hen had a busy summer planting seeds, watering the soil, digging up the weeds, and harvesting the grain. Whenever she asked the dog, cat, and duck to help, they always had excuses. A crisis occurred—a wicked fox captured the goose. When Little Red Hen went to her three friends, they again made excuses, so she went to the next farm, and Brown Dog helped her rescue the goose.
While a little fun is essential for a happy life, wise individuals know that prosperity begins with hard work. Gary and the other grasshoppers want to play all day, and they cannot understand why the ants work so hard and miss all the fun. Alex and the ants know they must work during the spring to have food for the winter.
Proud Rooster, always ignoring everyone’s advice, gets into all sorts of trouble. Filling his tummy with green strawberries, falling off a tree while showing off, and skating on thin ice after being repeatedly warned, nearly do him in.
It was time for the beautiful princess Elizabeth to be married. Charming Simon and strong, handsome Thomas came to ask her hand in marriage. Then there was John, a handsome but not-so-flashy commoner. Elizabeth first noticed him helping an old man get his wagon out of a muddy ditch.
Little Red Riding Hood is a kind-hearted girl on her way to help her sick grandmother. Her mother warns her not to speak to strangers and to stay on the path as she travels through the forest, but a smooth-talking wolf makes Little Red Riding Hood forget her promise. While Little Red Riding Hood gathers flowers for her grandmother, the wolf uses her delay to devour the grandmother and set a trap for Little Red Riding Hood.
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