Missy the mouse has a very big problem—she hates the way she looks! If only she were as big and beautiful as Horace the cat, then all her problems would be gone.
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The proud emperor loves to parade before his people with beautiful clothes. When a court official suggests paying the soldiers more money so they don’t have to beg for food, the furious emperor is ready to throw him in jail.
Para crecer y ser grandes, los leones pequeños tienen que aprender habilidades de supervivencia, pero Sangu no quiere escuchar. Después de perderse, algunas gacelas se hacen amigas de él y le enseñan su forma de vida. Después de muchas decepciones, Sangu finalmente aprende a aceptarse a sí mismo.
Mom and Dad Fox try to set a healthy example for triplets: Freddy, Fay, and Flip. Even though Mom cooks nutritious meals, Freddy prefers to stuff himself with sugary treats, and refuses to participate in healthy family exercise. One bad choice leads to another, and in spite of Dad and Mom’s efforts, Freddy finds himself part of a crooked gang of foxes. When the leader recruits Freddy as a decoy to help him outwit a lion and a donkey, the plan backfires.
City Mouse turns up his nose at the Country Mouse’s simple home and plain food. Back at his house in the city, he treats his country cousin to a soft bed, beautiful gardens, and a buffet of delicious things to eat. Country Mouse is greatly impressed with City Mouse’s riches until he meets a cat and nearly loses his life in a mousetrap.
Tombo, el renacuajo, se declara Rey del Estanque. Se jacta de ser el renacuajo más grande, el más rápido y el más fuerte, y molesta y persigue a todos los otros renacuajos. Tombo finalmente descubre que tener amigos es mejor que ser el Rey del Estanque.
Ignorando siempre el consejo de todos, el Gallo Orgulloso se mete en todo tipo de problemas. Pero la dura lección final del Gallo Orgulloso lo cambia para siempre. Mientras está acostado en la cama de un hospital, se alegra de saber que no es demasiado tarde para obedecer.
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