Fun Times With: Citizenship, Appreciation, Fairness
The slave Androcles risks his life for freedom. While in hiding, he develops an unusual friendship with an injured lion. Both Androcles and the lion are captured, and Androcles’ punishment leads him to freedom.
Androcles and the Lion
Fun Times With: Caring / Cheerfulness / Citizenship
Teddy the grumpy bear cub lost his smile, and only one bear knows how to find it. After much searching, Teddy discovers the joy that comes from helping others.
Can you Help Me Find My Smile?
Fun Times With: Trustworthiness, Respect, Truthfulness
Young Chicken Little is afraid of everything from a tiny mouse to the falling sky. When King Leo shows her that the “falling sky” was really only an acorn, she realizes she shouldn’t be gullible but should check things out before believing them.
Chicken Little
ABC Word Book
Flashcard ABC Book
Learn Letter Sound
Learn Vowels Sound
The Cat
The Can
The Bat
The Rag
Zag and the Cat
The Funny Hat
Play with Us
Matt and the Van
Arctic Animals
Baby Animals
The Cat and the Hat
The Cat on the Van
A Great Hit
The Cat and the Rag
The Kicking Champ
The Great Catch
Play Ball!
The Mad Dog
Animal Babies
Animals of the Arctic
Animals of the Desert
Animals of the Jungle
Annie & the Ugly Caterpillar
Davy Becomes Mayor
Missy's Big Wish
Red Riding Hood and the Wolf
Textbook 2
Textbook 3
Textbook 4
Textbook 5
I Can Count to 100
I Can't and I'll Try
It's Too Hard Multiplication
Let's Share
Where is Math Used?
Addition To 10
Subtraction to 10
Addition to 100
Airplanes To Rockets
Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur
Elephant Ears and Eagle Eyes
Exploring the World
Against All Odds
Better Together
Divide To Conquer
Alphabet Song: Alphabet Soup
Alphabet Song: Chicken Dance
Alphabet Song: Cowboy Wagon Trail
Alphabet Song: Disco
Math Adventure Multiplication Songs - Multiply by 2
Math Adventure Multiplication Songs - Multiply by 3
Math Adventure Multiplication Songs - Multiply by 4
Math Adventure Multiplication Songs - Multiply by 5
How Picture Books Are Made 1
How Picture Books Are Made 2
How Picture Books Are Made 3
How Picture Books Are Made 4
A - Manuscript lesson
A - Manuscript practice
Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Let's Go Fishing
Let's Play Baseball
Let's Play Basketball
ABC Bingo
ABC Connect The Dots
ABC Let's Go Fishing
ABC Let's Play Baseball
Tiempos divertidos con: Valentía / responsabilidad / autodisciplina
Tres niños crecen en el mismo vecindario infestado de drogas, gobernado por pandillas y empobrecido. Nelson se convierte en un médico exitoso, su mejor amigo Jesse, en un galardonado ingeniero civil, pero el hermano de Nelson, Alvin, termina en la cárcel.
¡Atrévete a soñar!
Tiempos divertidos con: Diligencia / autodisciplina / responsabilidad
Cristóbal tiene grandes sueños de convertirse en un inventor, pero no le gusta nada que requiera trabajo. Adquiere un control remoto de tiempo que le permite evitar todos sus problemas. Mientras salta a través del tiempo, finalmente se da cuenta de la miseria de una vida fácil.
¡El control del tiempo!
Tiempos divertidos con: Responsabilidad / Honradez / Humilidad
Nicholas tiene el trabajo más aburrido del mundo – observar a las ovejas. Cuando trata de animar su tarea con bromas pesadas, pierde la confianza de la gente. Nicholas se da cuenta de su error cuando el lobo ataca y todos se niegan a responder a su grito de ayuda.
¡El muchacho que gritó lobo!
Tiempos divertidos con: Ciudadanía / trabajo en equipo / responsabilidad
“¡No es justo!”, Gritó Buzzie, la abeja, cuando accidentalmente descubre de que las abejas obreras hacen TODO el trabajo. Antes de este incidente Buzzie era una abeja trabajadora feliz, ¡pero ahora está furiosa! Ella comienza una revuelta importante entre las abejas obreras más jóvenes. Luego hacen un descubrimiento que las transforma.
¡No es justo!
Fun Times With: Citizenship, Appreciation, Fairness
The slave Androcles risks his life for freedom. While in hiding, he develops an unusual friendship with an injured lion. Both Androcles and the lion are captured, and Androcles’ punishment leads him to freedom.
Androcles and the Lion
Fun Times With: Caring / Cheerfulness / Citizenship
Teddy the grumpy bear cub lost his smile, and only one bear knows how to find it. After much searching, Teddy discovers the joy that comes from helping others.
Can you Help Me Find My Smile?
Fun Times With: Trustworthiness, Respect, Truthfulness
Young Chicken Little is afraid of everything from a tiny mouse to the falling sky. When King Leo shows her that the “falling sky” was really only an acorn, she realizes she shouldn’t be gullible but should check things out before believing them.
Chicken Little
Fun Times With: Courage / Responsibility / Self-Discipline
Three boys grow up in the same drug-infested, gang-ruled, poverty-stricken neighborhood. Nelson becomes a successful doctor, his best friend Jesse, an award-winning architectural engineer, but Nelson’s brother Alvin ends up in jail.
Dare To Dream